
In order to work with Calibrestkje, you’ll need to learn more about SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a Python “Object Relational Mapper”, meaning that it can help you write Python programs that interact with a database without having to write raw database queries (that is often harder to do correctly). The querying documentation is particularly useful. Please also see the Modules API documentation for which tables are available for import and use. The following examples are laid out in a “cookbook” style. Hopefully there is something useful in here for you.

Working with the Calibre database

Calibrestkje works with an existing Calibre database. This means, you need to install Calibre first on your system. On a Debian operating system , that means you would run:

$ sudo apt install -y calibre

The first time that Calibre is run, the database is created in the /home/myusername/calibre/ folder with the name metadata.db. If you’ve been using Calibre for some time already, then you’ll probably already have this folder and database. All your book catalogue information is stored in this file.

Sometimes it is useful to start from an empty metadata database and this can be achieved by creating one with the calibredb command on the command-line. An example of this would be:

$ mkdir mytestcalibredb
$ calibredb restore_database --really-do-it --with-library mytestcalibredb

Unfortunately, there is no “create new database command” (AFAIK) and therefore it is required to run this magical incantation that is hard to remember. Afterwards, you’ll have a new mytestcalibredb/metadata.db empty database which you can start to work with.

If you want to run Calibre only using this new library, you can do the following. Otherwise, Calibre will default to the standard database location.

$ calibre --with-library mytestcalibredb

Initialising a new session

from calibrestkje import init_session

sqlite_url = "sqlite:///path_to_my_calibre_metadata.db"
session = init_session(sqlite_url)

All books without a publisher

        .filter(Book.publishers == None))

List of all tags that contain some pattern


Adding a new tag to a book

tag = Tag(name='getting radical')

book = session.query(Book).first()


All books with multiple authors

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

        .having(func.count(Author.id) > 1))